how no recoil

there are 20,000 tutorials that say everything and its opposite. I don't understand how at long distance even with a x2 or a red dot you can have no recoil, and the camera shakes. how can I find a no recoil sensitivity?
200 Replies
computeurhuman2mo ago
I really need help
drei2mo ago
well, the "no recoil sensivity" is just a metaphor and at all it's just high and comfortable enough sensivity
computeurhuman2mo ago
But how ?
Jun٭2mo ago
Learn to play maybe 😂 When you spray make sure to drag down on it screen n set it to a sensitivity where you don’t have to drag down much or far n pratice from there
computeurhuman2mo ago
I understand nothing :hmmsuspicious:
오이 샐러드
No recoil sensitivity can be almost any sensitivity which you will learn to play, I recommend using gyroscope (not mandatory) and just tweak the sensitivity so you can handle the spray easily but with no shaking So there is nothing like a universal no recoil sensitivity because there are many variables
computeurhuman2mo ago
But how you find the good sensitivity? I try high, low, medium, nothing IS good I see Guy Say ads IS nice for no recoil, whats IS this?
xx2mo ago
Go to training grounds. Stand roughly 30-45 meters away from the dummy targets near the building. Then turn all your sens to 1% and independently try all of them. Increase each toggle sens by 10% until it feels too fast. From there starting decreasing by increments of 1% until you feel it’s smooth enough. Repeat for each independent scope Equip every scope, so you can adjust each scope sens independently And zero attachments except extended quickdraw And use M4 and M7/Ace32 M4 because it’s 5.56 which has the best recoil to damage ratio it’s near 1:1 No recoil is impossible unless you’re exploiting. Even gyro/pro players experience recoil they just practice so much that they’re able to control it so it feels like there is nun 💀 Having “no recoil” is just a marketing thing. It comes with pure practice long range mid and cqc
computeurhuman2mo ago
But, to have a perfect recoil, do the pros use gyro+finger? or just gyro and how to adjust the ads?
오이 샐러드
Both is possible Depends on you
computeurhuman2mo ago
But it's better?
오이 샐러드
The solution that suits you the most is better
computeurhuman2mo ago
:hmmsuspicious: But what pro use:hmmsuspicious:
오이 샐러드
Sigh There is nothing like a universal best technique that pro players use Stop asking for what others use and go find what suits YOU the most It is fine to use both, only gyro or gyro+thumb Depends on your sensitivity settings
computeurhuman2mo ago
but what has a higher skill cap? like controller and mouse keyboard, one allows you to go further in the level? I know that you can be good with both, but which one, regardless of the adaptation time, allow you to go even further for example, finger only cannot allow such a good recoil
오이 샐러드
xx2mo ago
I don’t play gyro so unfortunately i couldn’t tell you, but like other ppl have said, non gyro can be just as good as gyro as long as you practice It all depends on how well you control and practice your recoil Gyro is much harder to learn imo but it’s way easier to MANAGE recoil since all you do is tilt your phone downwards as opposed to non-gyro which requires you to drag your finger down to control recoil. That’s what makes gyro easier Also depends on type of device if you play with tablet, it’s harder to learn gyro cuz of the weight of tablet and it feels awkward having to move your tablet around. If you use phone tho it’s much easier since you can easily hold. But again preference is based on what you feel is good
오이 샐러드
Also gyro is slightly different between various phones
xx2mo ago
OP got confused with managing recoil and having “zero recoil”
computeurhuman2mo ago
Ans how adjust ads?
xx2mo ago
computeurhuman2mo ago
no, but you are confused with how to understand things.
xx2mo ago
look kid, I don't think you understand English. You have no idea why pro's are good, you think they make zero recoil and solo squad with 30 kills out of thin air and believe practicing technique is non-existent. You deleted and reasked the same question 3 times and you're quite literally going nowhere in this game if you think that practice does not work. Since you also think there's "nothing to practice", I've also provided you a screenshot of videos I recommend for tips/practice. Xifan is a great YouTuber who gives good tips and tricks and is an esports player himself. While you're at it, fix your stubbornness and check your brain out because you've got some real processing issues.
오이 샐러드
What a rant 😭
xx2mo ago
nah ong bro asked "how can I be untouchable" and when I said practice, he told me word for word that i cant practice because i dont know how to and said pro's get 30 kills with no practice then told me to mind my business real idiot lmao
computeurhuman2mo ago
Don't speak for me when you don't know me/don't know anything about it. AT NO ANY FUC*IN TIME I say that the driving range was useless/that the pros became monsters by doing nothing. You exaggerate my words because you are too stupid to understand a sentence. AGAIN, and this is the last time, I said: you can't get better by training if you don't know what to train. you understand now is it good? question yourself before believing yourself superior to others wow, it's crazy to sink so deep into denial
xx2mo ago
I'm definitely more superior to a moron who asks "how can I be untouchable" and asks dumbass questions like this. please do me a favour and stfu, stop replying to me and get better at the game
computeurhuman2mo ago
This is literally what is WRITTEN, CAN YOU READ? Litteraly, I Say: pracice IS not the solution if I dont know what to practice. At no time do I say that the practice is useless. I say that the practice is useful if you know what to practice
xx2mo ago
do you have a brain processing issue
computeurhuman2mo ago
How you cant understand that Wow
xx2mo ago
do you have a brain processing issue
computeurhuman2mo ago
Where? Lets go screen. WHERE I SAID THAT it's crazy to sink so deep into denial, it's litteraly write here :laugh:
xx2mo ago
"Litteraly, I Say: pracice IS not the solution if I dont know what to practice" can't even type smh speechless now
xx2mo ago
what I thought fix your impairment and get good
computeurhuman2mo ago
Yes. And thats reality. I will explain with an example because it seems too hard to imagine: Let's imagine: someone doesn't know how to drive, so he gets in the car and practices moving the mirrors in his car thinking he is practicing driving. This man thought he was doing a good workout, but since he didn't know what to train, he trained the wrong things which made his training useless.
ABEL2mo ago
Bro is just looking for specific movement or tactic to use and kill everyone in the map with it lol
computeurhuman2mo ago
No, I search anti aim. And how do it
xx2mo ago
computeurhuman2mo ago
it's so hard to understand?
xx2mo ago
real conqueror level questions
computeurhuman2mo ago
yes, when you are a conqueror you search to improve yourself. Did you just discover it? My anti aim is good but far from being the best
xx2mo ago
wtf is "anti-aim"
computeurhuman2mo ago
I stop speaking. Really, go learn.
xx2mo ago
anti-aim is an exploit you moron
computeurhuman2mo ago
Anti aim is all the techniques that make it harder for your enemies to touch you.
xx2mo ago
idk wtf this dumbass is talking about
오이 샐러드
speed hack with wall hack and aimbot will do the job
xx2mo ago
wtf kind of technique is that enlighten me
computeurhuman2mo ago
it's the straf, the jiggle, thing like that but you would know if you were good
ABEL2mo ago
I was gonna say that too 😂
오이 샐러드
getting cover is a great technique
xx2mo ago
strafe and jiggle isn't "anti-aim" you idiot that's cqc moron
ABEL2mo ago
U forgot full health hack he wants to be untouchable
xx2mo ago
this foolie ahh
computeurhuman2mo ago
It's anti aim. Go learn
xx2mo ago
anti means against you're saying against aim no one has ever used "anti-aim" unless you're exploiting this guy is an actual braindead idiot i think he needs to go to his local hospital and seriously get himself checked
computeurhuman2mo ago
anti aim= against the aim, it's everything that is against the precision and aim of your enemy, is it so hard to understand?
xx2mo ago
anti-aim makes no sense. That literally sounds like an exploit
ABEL2mo ago
Bro that’s just joystick movement and dodging bullets based on the enemy movement
xx2mo ago
you mean close combat dumbass
오이 샐러드
and "equipping vest and helmet" hack
xx2mo ago
No one in the. history of pubg mobile has ever used "anti-aim" to define close combat unless they're exploting anti-aim sounds like aimbot
오이 샐러드
it's called movement
computeurhuman2mo ago
Anti IS the official thermes for this type of technique. I dont know the pubg vocabulary sorry I have shower in my house
xx2mo ago
pre sure we all got showers in our houses
computeurhuman2mo ago
Anti aim IS the base in FPS
xx2mo ago
do you own a keyboard because you need one
computeurhuman2mo ago
Im sorry for you
xx2mo ago
you also need an education because it's clear you have none as well as a local hospital to get your brain checked
오이 샐러드
I got shower in my house was wild
xx2mo ago
this guy has never played a game before
computeurhuman2mo ago
BAHAHAH, it's the man who criticizes me for what I dared to say that when you don't know how to train, training is useless, who speaks to me about education:laugh:
xx2mo ago
im pretty sure ive showered more times than he's seen a shower lol
computeurhuman2mo ago
Csgo, tarkov, you know whats IS that?
xx2mo ago
yes dumbass i play cs:go
computeurhuman2mo ago
No you dont
xx2mo ago
valorant and a majority of other games
오이 샐러드
I did not take a shower today yet so I'm gonna stay quiet
computeurhuman2mo ago
Or you know whats IS starf, anti aim Anti starf Crosshaire placement Thing like that :PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
No it’s not I live in Australia so my ms is very bad because I play euro 240ms and 60fps but I know how to dodge enemy bullets my kd is 6 Over 200 matches
xx2mo ago
straife you idiot not "starf" :laugh: this is so funny
computeurhuman2mo ago
It's good for you You dont know whats IS Starfoullah?
xx2mo ago
all of which are cqc what is bro saying
computeurhuman2mo ago
It's cqc in pubg, not in other game :PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
Im just trynna help u mate all u need to do is practice ur joystick movement and learn how to read enemies movement
computeurhuman2mo ago
Hard to understand i know :PeepoBlush:
xx2mo ago
i dont think bro plays games
computeurhuman2mo ago
I know that, and i do, it's not the problem, I want to improve m'y joystick mouvement because it's exist better mouvement
ABEL2mo ago
Then u will hv that anti aim that u want
xx2mo ago
diagonal movement
오이 샐러드
or just don't aim
computeurhuman2mo ago
Yes, it's what I do Big brain
ABEL2mo ago
Maybe ur movement is already good but u hv bad device did u think of that ? What ur device
xx2mo ago
abel speaking facts tho
computeurhuman2mo ago
My device IS Bad, but it's not an excuse
ABEL2mo ago
xx2mo ago
it probably is
computeurhuman2mo ago
For exemple I saw that anti-straf techniques existed on Pubg for example (with a shift to the right, crouching, shift to the left)
xx2mo ago
bad device = lower frame rate = bad movement
computeurhuman2mo ago
Idk if this Work or really exist
ABEL2mo ago
Bro good device is very necessary
computeurhuman2mo ago
I have 60fps
오이 샐러드
crouching makes your movement slower
xx2mo ago
that's not bad at all
computeurhuman2mo ago
I know, but how to do the best anti straf/cqc
xx2mo ago
thats standard
오이 샐러드
low rate of fire
computeurhuman2mo ago
This is the question
xx2mo ago
ABEL2mo ago
What’s ur device and I’ll tell u if it matters or not
computeurhuman2mo ago
In tdm 60fps, in erangel 60-30 After 10min
xx2mo ago
this is the major one
computeurhuman2mo ago
Sony Xperia 1 II (mark II)
ABEL2mo ago
U hv big frame drops and u think that does matter ?
computeurhuman2mo ago
Thats dont change m'y skills level
xx2mo ago
computeurhuman2mo ago
when I was on iphone 14 pro max I was not better in cqc
ABEL2mo ago
If ur fps drops from 60 to 30 during a fight 1vs1 90% change u loosing that fight doesn’t matter how good u r Bruh
xx2mo ago
probably because you never practiced and you dont ever want to
computeurhuman2mo ago
Again: when I was on iphone 14 pro max I was not better in cqc
xx2mo ago
and you think pros just wake up with technique
오이 샐러드
skill issue probably
computeurhuman2mo ago
I practice, you dont know read it's not m'y problem And how level up the skills in cqc, THIS IS ALL THE QUESTION since 20 min😂
xx2mo ago
you have a processing issue blud it's not that I can't read it's that you don't care for what im saying even though im saying what everyone else is saying
computeurhuman2mo ago
I practice like 50h my cqc, but my ennemi in conqueror have really better mouvement If I win it's only because m'y better aim And it's the problem
ABEL2mo ago
Bro literally stated he get frame drops to 30 and thinks that not reason to lose a fight lol why don’t think everyone here is asking for which device support max fps 😂
xx2mo ago
computeurhuman2mo ago
well, let's set the record straight and forget what happens, hatred is useless
computeurhuman2mo ago
I train like 50h+ the cqc
ABEL2mo ago
Bro I think u already good just try and get a better device specially now that a lot of ppl will hv 90 and 120fps
computeurhuman2mo ago
But, i have lower cqc than conqueror ans I dont know hom improve because I do as the professionals advise, I apply everything they say on this subject, but I always have one that is worse than a lot of my opponents
xx2mo ago
whats ur id i wanna see what rank u are send your ID
ABEL2mo ago
computeurhuman2mo ago
Android account: 549528671 And i search the iphone
ABEL2mo ago
What does that mean?
computeurhuman2mo ago
I recently switched to Android But i have the cqc problem before the Switch
ABEL2mo ago
Broo ur level is low ur not beginner but u still got a looot to learn be patient and enjoy the game slowly u will improve ur game sense and develop ur own skills and gaming style
xx2mo ago
well you're definitely not conqueror
computeurhuman2mo ago
Lmao, 10kd in ace6 and he says im low level :froggie_sip: Im conqueror and you no:froggie_sip:
ABEL2mo ago
What’s server ? And no u hv never reached conquer atleast not in this account
computeurhuman2mo ago
Europe The next Season, but i start late and i cant go higher
ABEL2mo ago
Plus ur high kd does not matter in this case because u on level is 49 65% of ur enemy will be high mpc boots
computeurhuman2mo ago
Lmao, in solo squad yeah yeah Nobody play squad it's Logic :laugh: Go 1v1 m'y Guy Teach me:PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
Bro u sure wanna 1vs 1 me 😂 Oh u talking to fyrex my bad Bro u barely even playing the game idk why u complaining the highest matche u played was last season was 97 matches the rest is all below 40 matches 😂
computeurhuman2mo ago
Yes i dont play much because FPS drop 👀 Go Teach me master :PeepoBlush: Check aim hack in Google
ABEL2mo ago
Oh so now device is a problem I thought u said it wasn’t 😂
computeurhuman2mo ago
It's not a probleme for be good But it's problem for play long session Go 1v1 stop speack go play 1 want too eat your 5.56 calibre:PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
U r one hardheaded kid
computeurhuman2mo ago
Stop speack go play You have my id, when you want
ABEL2mo ago
Sorry mr untouchable ur anti aim will destroy me
computeurhuman2mo ago
Go play Why you speack scared master :PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
😂😂 Come ima add u Added u come quick Mr untouchable I’m waiting for u
computeurhuman2mo ago
Lets go
ABEL2mo ago
I sent ur request
Sanji2mo ago
So who win?
xx2mo ago
We can see your rank dumbass Not only are you pathetic at making excuses you’re also a terrible liar Ace master is also not conqueror fyi But sure let’s run a 1v1 ill play on europe servers 5562749930 Run it 10 KD 🤓🤓🤓 who won he's ass his stats r so shit
computeurhuman2mo ago
I play in iOS dumbass Look the Season dumbass You are really stupide
ABEL2mo ago
Come on bro 😂
computeurhuman2mo ago
@ABEL Come, you going too play in Europe with 200ms too lmao Come, I invit you. Bro, I play with 250ms+ And i give you 10-20 lmao
ABEL2mo ago
Bro said 20 kills 🤣🤣🤣
computeurhuman2mo ago
With m'y New 5finger seting :laugh: You kill me 20times yeah I 10 Come bro, i invit you 🙂
ABEL2mo ago
Like I said before I sold my ipad mini 6 but I played with this guys to on my iPhone XR and he still lost 😂
computeurhuman2mo ago
I play with 250ms+ And i kill you 10 Time 😂 Come in Europe serv Lets go ma boi Why you dont Come? Weird :PeepoBlush:
ABEL2mo ago
Bro if I had my ipad mini 6 u would it would’ve ended 40-0😂 last time I played with my phone was 2 years ago 😂
computeurhuman2mo ago
Lmao yes yes 😂
ABEL2mo ago
Same we i always play high Ms like I told u before
computeurhuman2mo ago
It's an évidence you dont have the right phone 😂 Ok, if it's same Come in Europe serv with me 🙂
ABEL2mo ago
Yeah I sold it to get better phone with atleast 90fps
computeurhuman2mo ago
Idk, Come 😃
ABEL2mo ago
Fix ur game play and joystick before u waste my time again
computeurhuman2mo ago
With heat phone, 40fps, 250ms+, New 5 finger config I kill you 10time 😂 No no, Come in my serv for easy win 😂
ABEL2mo ago
Next time when u waste ppl time and call them out to play room at least stop hiding and mark when they mark for u 😂 Bro was hiding and ran around to the other side like I didn’t see him lol 😂😂😂
xx2mo ago
this season just started you dyke you're plat II and so am I you can't type for shit or play bro got boosted to ace master EU servers easy asf asia and NA are hard
ABEL2mo ago
Did y’all play
xx2mo ago
waiting for the mofo to add me
ABEL2mo ago
Bro be capping 😂
xx2mo ago
braindead c*nt cant is a real conqueror although his k/d is pretty high shockingly was an 8.76 last szn so props to that probably boosted his rank n shi cuz goddamn he's hot ass
ABEL2mo ago
First he said device don’t matter when I asked him why he haven’t played a lot much past seasons he said device he’s frame drops 😂😂
xx2mo ago
he's braindead lol ill win if i play even on europe servers im that cocky
ABEL2mo ago
Nah probably got another account but using this one to troll but got trolled 😂
xx2mo ago
and i have only played 3 games of ranked lol nah no way his main has elite rp
ABEL2mo ago
Some do that But also he’s kd could be because he’s level is 40s so they get a lot of full squad bots in matches like 60% of the enemies
xx2mo ago
true true but he's ace master tho or ace ace late in szn so he was prob up against low crown high crown and plat diamond
ABEL2mo ago
Ace master is easy to get bro Don’t waste ur time with him tho he’s not even going to play proper 1v1 it’s going to be like playing against victor 😂