Nuxt10mo ago

Accordion in nuxt-content

I want to create accordion component for nuxt-content markdown. I thought it would use NuxtUI Accordion (https://ui.nuxt.com/components/accordion) I would like every H2 to be turned into a title in accordion and the rest of the content to be hidden to make markdown look normal, like here:
## This is accordion title
This is accordion **content**
1. something
2. something2
## New title here
Hello world
## End
Something here too
## This is accordion title
This is accordion **content**
1. something
2. something2
## New title here
Hello world
## End
Something here too
Or if it is possible to create multiple slots simultaneously:
This is **FAQ** title 1
This is content for FAQ-1
This is FAQ title 2
This is content for FAQ-2?
This is **FAQ** title 1
This is content for FAQ-1
This is FAQ title 2
This is content for FAQ-2?
But I don't know how to get to the slots in the normal way, I tried:
<div class="title">
<MDCSlot :body="items[0].title" />

<script setup>
const slots = useSlots()

const defaultSlotContent = slots.default();

const items = []
let item = {
title: '',
body: []
defaultSlotContent.forEach((node) => {
if (node.type.tag == "h2") {
if (item.title) {
item = { title: '', body: [] }
item.title = node
} else {
console.log("items", items)
<div class="title">
<MDCSlot :body="items[0].title" />

<script setup>
const slots = useSlots()

const defaultSlotContent = slots.default();

const items = []
let item = {
title: '',
body: []
defaultSlotContent.forEach((node) => {
if (node.type.tag == "h2") {
if (item.title) {
item = { title: '', body: [] }
item.title = node
} else {
console.log("items", items)
but MDCSlot runs the entire $slots.default, and using the same slot name makes it rendered one at a time Or if its not worth doing - can I use slots like this?
label: "What this guide is about"
slot: "test"
- label: "Title here"
Hello world
label: "What this guide is about"
slot: "test"
- label: "Title here"
Hello world
Accordion.vue: <UAccordion :items="items" />
1 Reply
Just seeing if you got something working on this? I've been banging my head against the wall and getting nowhere!

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