Filtering a Table Widget from a Chart Widget on a Resource View page possible?
Hi guys! In my Filament app I have a BudgetResource. Budgets can have multiple Segments. Then Orders are assigned to a segment and its budget.
On my Budget View page I have a Chart Widget that displays a Pie Charts of all Segments for the current budget as well as a Table Widget that displays all Orders that are assigned to the budget.
Now what I would love to do is that when the user clicks on a segment in the pie chart widget to have that segment id applied as a filter to the table widget so the user then only sees the orders for that segment.
Is this doable in Filament? I know that Widgets can access the page table but only on List pages, but I am on a View page. And nested resources are not yet a thing in Filament either...
4 Replies
Each widget is a Livewire component. If you can find a way to emit an event when a segment of the pie chart is clicked, you could catch it in the table widget.
Seems like it! In my Chart Widget Component I was able to register a callback to a chart.js click event and then throw a Livewire event using the Livewire object:
Then in my Table Widget Component I could listen to the event:
Now I just need to modify the filter...
Very cool!
Took some digging but instead of my dd above it's
$this->tableFilters['segment_id']['value'] = $segmentId