Unable To push updates to my DB. Maybe issue with the versions?
A few things seem to be going wrong for me.
1. I went to push some schema changes to my drizzle db using
pnpm drizzle-kit push
(from what I read there no longer using push:pg) .
I added a userId column in an images table. However I get the message in the terminal saying if I meant to use push:pg. I had changed the drizzle config file from driver:pg to dialect:"postgresql" would that be the issue? I also change the connectionString to url. Maybe I'm in the wrong version.
My other issue is in the schema file. sql is not being found when imported from the drizzle-orm. Is this called something else?
drizzle-kit 0.20.17
drizzle-orm 0.29.4

1 Reply
Hey @CBaker. You should update drizzle kit to the latest version to use new features