Filament10mo ago

I have to submit the form twice to update the table in a custom page with a table and a from

So, I'm building a very complicated wizard that I need to use Filament Forms and Table separately in. To start with, I want the user to write in a text field in a form, submit, then the table shows the results. I did something similar to this, but for some reason, I have to submit the form twice for the table to update.
1 Reply
MAFOP10mo ago
Here is the custom page code:
class CreateBooking extends Page implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

protected static string $resource = BookingResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.partner.resources.booking-resource.pages.new-booking';

public ?array $clientData = [];

public function findClientForm(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([


protected function getForms(): array
return [

protected function getFindClientFormActions(): array
return [

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Edit User')
->action(fn (User $user) => $this->findClient($user->id)),

protected function getTableQuery()
if (isset($this->clientData['name'])) {
return User::query()
->where('name', 'like', '%'.$this->clientData['name'].'%');
} else {
return User::query()->where('id', null);

public function findClient()
// ray('findClient');
class CreateBooking extends Page implements HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;

protected static string $resource = BookingResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.partner.resources.booking-resource.pages.new-booking';

public ?array $clientData = [];

public function findClientForm(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([


protected function getForms(): array
return [

protected function getFindClientFormActions(): array
return [

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Edit User')
->action(fn (User $user) => $this->findClient($user->id)),

protected function getTableQuery()
if (isset($this->clientData['name'])) {
return User::query()
->where('name', 'like', '%'.$this->clientData['name'].'%');
} else {
return User::query()->where('id', null);

public function findClient()
// ray('findClient');
Here is the livewire blade:
<div class="fi-simple-page">
<section class="rounded-xl bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 fi-section ring-gray-950/5">

<x-filament-panels::form wire:submit="findClient">
{{ $this->findClientForm }}


{{ $this->table }}


<div class="fi-simple-page">
<section class="rounded-xl bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 fi-section ring-gray-950/5">

<x-filament-panels::form wire:submit="findClient">
{{ $this->findClientForm }}


{{ $this->table }}


So, I replaced $this->getTableQuery() with $this->dispatch('updateClientsTable'); in findClient() and it worked perfectly. Ah, I also added protected $listeners = ['updateClientsTable' => '$refresh']; in the class.

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