Food/Coffee Truck Website with Location/Calendar (Feedback would be lovely!)

I'm working on a website for a family friend who just started their own coffee truck business. I wanted to play around with the idea of having a section of the site stay up-to-date with the truck's location and hours, but my family friends could be more tech-savvy. The solution I ended up with was to hook into a calendar so all they need to do is create events. The CSS would give you nightmares so that I won't show the code, but if you have feedback regarding the design/style, etc. I'd love to hear about it. Thanks!
8 Replies
13eck2mo ago
That’s pretty boss!
Light2mo ago
Thank you so much ❤️ I really appreciate it!
levi2mo ago
looks cool bruh!
shdhfhdh2mo ago
didnt know you could do that with google calendars, looks really nice and functional!!
vince2mo ago
Looks good! I'd make the "Open now!" heading a bit less font-size and give it more spacing between itself and the map Cool functionality otherwise 😎
I really like this concept/implementation. Remember that it is a never ending cycle of refactoring and coming up with new ideas. With that, I have some suggestions should you ant to get more tech heavy with it: - add sockets so that a refresh of the page doesn't have to occur (when you update the calendar then the page automatically cycles for you and for customers, more importantly) - If possible, make this feature as reusable as possible, it could be a good business tool for you in the future and something to profit off of.
NickTemesi2mo ago
It's incredibly amazing, I'm having a project where I'll need to incorporate the calendar. Any advice on how to go about it?
Jochem2mo ago
please don't hijack other people's threads. Make your own post if you have any questions