How do I go about this design?

No codepen because not sure where to start. I was thinking maybe exporting the circles as an svg and using the path as a clip-path? But if I do that, then the green circle on the left would need to be in the image or absolutely positioned on it so not sure how well that would work
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12 Replies
lkoβ€’10mo ago
I'd go with the clip path as you were saying but add a display grid on the container, so you have 6 boxes, and then you add a circle and you tell it to position on that square and then you add the white box
vinceOPβ€’10mo ago
Sorry I should have included what I have at least:
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vinceOPβ€’10mo ago
I have this already, but it needs to be 1 image and not 5 separate images; did I misunderstand what you were trying to say?
lkoβ€’10mo ago
I explained myself badly @vince
<section this has the bgimage and the clip and also the display grid>
<div class="circle" and you position this to be on column 1 and row 2></div>
<div class="white-bg" and you position this to be from column 1 to 2 and in row 2></div>
<section this has the bgimage and the clip and also the display grid>
<div class="circle" and you position this to be on column 1 and row 2></div>
<div class="white-bg" and you position this to be from column 1 to 2 and in row 2></div>
Jochemβ€’10mo ago
This is how I'd do it (plz ignore the px widths and stuff, they're just there cause I'm lazy)
capt_uhuβ€’10mo ago
here's another option with mask. Done as one element (or one pseudo) as a stand in for a background :
vinceOPβ€’10mo ago
tysm everyone! I'll look into these a bit later and let you know how I crack on πŸ™‚
lkoβ€’10mo ago
instead I came out with this, didnt end up using grid, the colors are ugly but I did it in a rush
vinceOPβ€’10mo ago
Very cool solutions guys! I keep saying this but I really need to learn gradients πŸ˜‚ Also @Jochem I didn't know you could do this:
grid: repeat(2, 1fr) / repeat(3, 1fr);
grid: repeat(2, 1fr) / repeat(3, 1fr);
πŸ‘€ is that new?
Jochemβ€’10mo ago
nope, just criminally underused it's fully supported too
vinceOPβ€’10mo ago
Wow will definitely start using that over typing grid-template-rows / columns all day lol

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