After this new update I am getting an introspection error schema below "drizzle-kit": "^0.21.1",

Error: There is not enough information to infer relation "public.users.twoFactorConfirmation"
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
twoFactorConfirmation: one(twoFactorConfirmation),
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
twoFactorConfirmation: one(twoFactorConfirmation),
export const twoFactorConfirmation = createTable('twoFactorConfirmation', {
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => randomUUID()),
userId: text('userId').references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' }),
export const twoFactorConfirmation = createTable('twoFactorConfirmation', {
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => randomUUID()),
userId: text('userId').references(() =>, { onDelete: 'cascade' }),
export const users = createTable(
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => randomUUID()),
image: text('image'),
name: text('name'),
email: text('email').notNull().unique(),
emailVerified: timestamp('emailVerified', { mode: 'date' }),
password: text('password'),
role: text('role').notNull().default('USER'),
phoneNumber: text('phone_number'),
phoneVerified: timestamp('phone_verified', { mode: 'date' }),
phoneVerificationCode: text('phone_verification_code'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at')
updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt'),
isTwoFactorEnabled: boolean('isTwoFactorEnabled').default(false),
stripeCustomerId: text('stripeCustomerId'),
paymentStatus: text('paymentStatus', {
enum: ['paid', 'unpaid', 'no_payment_required'],
(example) => ({
nameIndex: index('name_idx').on(,
export const users = createTable(
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => randomUUID()),
image: text('image'),
name: text('name'),
email: text('email').notNull().unique(),
emailVerified: timestamp('emailVerified', { mode: 'date' }),
password: text('password'),
role: text('role').notNull().default('USER'),
phoneNumber: text('phone_number'),
phoneVerified: timestamp('phone_verified', { mode: 'date' }),
phoneVerificationCode: text('phone_verification_code'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at')
updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt'),
isTwoFactorEnabled: boolean('isTwoFactorEnabled').default(false),
stripeCustomerId: text('stripeCustomerId'),
paymentStatus: text('paymentStatus', {
enum: ['paid', 'unpaid', 'no_payment_required'],
(example) => ({
nameIndex: index('name_idx').on(,
2 Replies
2armedlopinOP10mo ago
Any help available?
⚡Z.E.U.S⚡10mo ago
@2armedlopin Hey! In your case twoFactorConfirmation have one user and users have many twoFactorConfirmations
export const twoFactorConfirmationRelations = relations(
({ one }) => ({
users: one(users, {
fields: [twoFactorConfirmation.userId],
references: [],

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ many }) => ({
twoFactorConfirmations: many(twoFactorConfirmation),
export const twoFactorConfirmationRelations = relations(
({ one }) => ({
users: one(users, {
fields: [twoFactorConfirmation.userId],
references: [],

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ many }) => ({
twoFactorConfirmations: many(twoFactorConfirmation),
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