Are white minimal leather sneakers classic or just a trend?

They were very popular during 2010s but seems to be less popular nowadays. White minimal leather sneakers combined high quality materials and good craftsmanship, I am not talking about sneakers like Stan Smith, they were a complete new breed. I actually think they are the answer of "dress shoes guys" to modern casual style. The question is are these type of sneakers have become a classic eventually or just a trend? Should I continue to wear them in the next 10-20 years?
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4 Replies
Nayyyyy2mo ago
As a concept they're a classic because they're inoffensively simple. What tends to change in shape and silhouette. See Nike AF1 with their resurgence the past ~10 years. Always been around, but chunky became more popular rather than ultra visually slim That said visually slim sneakers with regular fit pants is a cool look and does work. The incongruity is visually nice Rather than slim/slim like skinny jeans and Common Projects, it's slim / straight. Instead of chunky/ straight
Bigelow2mo ago
Nay is correct that shape and silhouette trends change with time so to be very blunt with you, if you are specifically talking about the Common Projects Achilles Low in the pic, yes those were a trend and they are now off-trend Whether you should continue to wear them in 10-20 years is kind of an unnecessary question because 1) it depends on a lot of unprovided info (how important is being on trend to you? what's the rest of your wardrobe like? What sneakers do you like?) and 2) sneakers don't last that long anyway, so why not check back here when you've just about worn through this pair and see what to get then?
Nayyyyy2mo ago
Plus .. you can wear something which is off trend anyway. If you have a good outfit which is on trend and/or looks good... One item out of several is fine. I would personally reframe away from ideas of "classic" or binary "in fashion or out of fashion" It's really a sliding scale And one item, is just that, one item as part of an outfit of several things.
Bigelow2mo ago
This is very true and @tmc08130 it just really depends how you want to approach clothing How trendy do you want to be? Most people here do not try to be on top of every single trend, but some do