Problem in uploading large files after publishing the application

A problem in uploading files if they are large in size and have been uploaded to hosting
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25 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
File sizes need to be configured on various levels: - Server (nginx/apache) - PHP - Livewire (config/livewire.php) You should check those and adjust them to your needs.
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
It has been uploaded to hosting through cpanel I want to modify it from there
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
I don't know about Cpanel settings.
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
The problem is still the same, the method does not work Is it necessary to do cmpouser install after modification
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
the method does not work
What did you change?
Is it necessary to do cmpouser install after modification
No, but changing Server or PHP settings probably requires a restart of your webserver.
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
But it's in hosting
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
What? What changes did you make?
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
Wait, I'll show you. Hello
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
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Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
These are modifications to the livewire.php file
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
But what about PHP and Server? You probably need all 3
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
The project is now uploaded to Php 8.2 hosting
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
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Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
Even if the size of the video is big, there is a problem in uploading Please help me
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
look for php.ini in Cpanel and check the max upload file suze also search in cpanel for php configuration
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
How will I kneel him in the cpanel
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
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Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus2mo ago
do you see the search on top? search for php ini you can also contact your hosting company and ask them for support 🙂 ask them how to increase php file upload size
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
Well, thanks, Bro. Thanks bro I've solved the problem.
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
I stayed with me this problem the picture is Uploaded but when it is displayed in the table it does not appear
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Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
Even when editing he can't return the photos
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Vp2mo ago
check APP_URL
Saleh AL-Arami
Saleh AL-Arami2mo ago
This is in the hosting
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Vp2mo ago
Update app url to match your domain/host url, and image displaying problem will resolve
Mustafa_Dev2mo ago
@Saleh AL-Arami Just update URL with a real domain name,, أخي، عليك فقط بتحديث الرابط، استخدم الدومين الحقيقي الخاص بالسيرفر.