Nice Nano Issue(One column stopped working)

My board is a lily58 MX, some keys have stopped working after using 1 week. one column(7,u,j,and righ thumb key) on the right half is not working at all. I got it from “build now” kit with no-solder pins. I had gotten another lily58 choc(no-solder) from typreactive before the MX board. Everything has been working fine for it. and I have changed nice nanos with choc. now mx one is working but choc has the same issue that i mentioned. I don’t have any soldering kit or amperemeter to define the exact problem. the problem is probably the right controller. Can you please help me on this issue?
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2 Replies
Nicell10mo ago
So when you move the nanos, the problem moves with the nanos? @doberman If you can confirm that, please send me a DM with your order number
dobermanOP10mo ago
@Nick dm'ed you

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