Which suit
Going to a wedding in a couple of months. Divided between navy and gray suit. Gray suit is full canvas and navy is half canvas. Which do you think would be better?
6 Replies
Looks closer to black than navy to me- might be a bit too funeral. I'd go with the gray.
Are you buying or just picking between suits you already own?
Either color is fine. Most people here recommend navy over gray for your first suit. I prefer gray, but neither is a bad choice.
I’m buying. My old suit is worn down so getting a new one
Both colors are fine for the occasion, and for any others you need a suit in. Canvassing is less important than just not getting fused. Then there's all the other factors you might consider, how often you'll be wearing the suit, to what occasions, what kind of weather you'll be wearing them in etc.
I prefer the navy suit due to the wide lapels and generally higher "expressiveness". The gray looks very conservative. But really we need to see how they fit - the fit comes first!