Supabase is comparing my schema objects against built-in Supabase schemas.

I'm running drizzle-kit push in an empty Supabase database. It will prompt me with this:
Is documentable_type_enum enum created or renamed from another enum?
❯ + documentable_type_enum create enum
~ auth.aal_level › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.code_challenge_method › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.factor_status › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.factor_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.one_time_token_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ pgsodium.key_status › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ pgsodium.key_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ realtime.action › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ realtime.equality_op › documentable_type_enum rename enum
Is documentable_type_enum enum created or renamed from another enum?
❯ + documentable_type_enum create enum
~ auth.aal_level › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.code_challenge_method › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.factor_status › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.factor_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ auth.one_time_token_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ pgsodium.key_status › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ pgsodium.key_type › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ realtime.action › documentable_type_enum rename enum
~ realtime.equality_op › documentable_type_enum rename enum
Do I need to specify the schema or something like that? With Neon, I haven't had this problem.
No description
3 Replies
Stefano Sandes
Stefano SandesOP11mo ago
Tried to specify schemaFilter in drizzle.config.ts, but dont worked. Tried to list all objects in the public schema, and it is really empty:
select t.typname as enum_name
from pg_type t
join pg_enum e on t.oid = e.enumtypid
join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
where n.nspname = current_schema();
select t.typname as enum_name
from pg_type t
join pg_enum e on t.oid = e.enumtypid
join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
where n.nspname = current_schema();
Stefano Sandes
Stefano SandesOP11mo ago
[BUG]: Push is comparing schema objects against Supabase's schemas....
What version of drizzle-orm are you using? 0.30.10 What version of drizzle-kit are you using? 0.21.1 Describe the Bug When I run drizzle-kit push in an empty Supabase database, it is comparing my s...
DYELbrah10mo ago
Bump, anyone else seeing this?

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