MEthod Post in my Login Blade
Hi, I created my own login class, and then a new view,to change the layout,the problem is now that when I submit is sending a POST request, don't know how. If I don't change the $view It works, so the problem is there someplace:
Solution:Jump to solution
If you change your blade like core, is it working?
<x-filament-panels::page.simple> // wrap all data inside this
// ......
// ......
6 Replies
Please no screenshot for code #✅┊rules and show your login logic as well
sorry but it was too long to write it, the login logic is okay cause if I don't change the view it works,I think I'm missing something in my blade. but i'll send it anyways
can't show all of it though if (!$user || !self::verificaContraseña($contraseña, $password)) {
// Optionally, you can perform additional checks or actions here if needed
if (
($user instanceof FilamentUser) &&
(! $user->canAccessPanel(Filament::getCurrentPanel()))
->title('Acceso denegado')
error_log('no entra por el acceso');
$usuario = Filament::auth()->login($user,false);
// If authentication is successful, regenerate the session
return app(LoginResponse::class);
You got this error after clicking "Login" button?
yes, when Trying to submit, but only in the blade I created, in the default one it works
If you change your blade like core, is it working?
But this has nothing to do IMO
I'm going to try that .
it works, the problem with using page.simple is that I got now two headings.But I'll figure how to hide one.