After Login in, Dashboard design is all out of wack.

Once logged in, I have to refresh the page to fix the layouts. For example the Profile link top right is cut off and shows the menu out of the screen when it should be hidden. The left nav overlaps the content. Not sure why it doesn't render properly after login, but after a refresh it works fine.
11 Replies
awcodes2mo ago
Are you using spa mode?
thedangler2mo ago
I don't think so?
LeandroFerreira2mo ago
Console errors? Could you provide more info?
thedangler2mo ago
@Leandro Ferreira I checked the error console. Uncaught TypeError: $store.sidebar is undefined in livewire.js
ahinkle2mo ago
Please share the output of php artisan about Sounds like you have a mismatching version of Livewire.
awcodes2mo ago
Sounds like you are trying to load an app.js that is not setup correctly for lW3
thedangler2mo ago
Application Name ......................................................................................................................... Laravel
Laravel Version ......................................................................................................................... 10.48.10
PHP Version ............................................................................................................................... 8.2.16
Composer Version ........................................................................................................................... 2.7.6
Environment ................................................................................................................................ local
Filament .........................................................................................................................................
Packages ......................................................................................... filament, forms, notifications, support, tables
Version .................................................................................................................................. v3.2.72
Views .............................................................................................................................. NOT PUBLISHED
Livewire .........................................................................................................................................
Livewire ................................................................................................................................. v3.4.11 @awcodes ^^^
thedangler2mo ago
@awcodes @ahinkle This is what it looks like after login. I've cleared cache. Rebuilt css, js using npm run build.
Not sure whats happening. But when I refresh it works.
No description
awcodes2mo ago
Are you using opcache on the server?
Kane G
Kane G2mo ago
I'm running into this same issue moving between admin/user panel and laravel blade pages (outside of filament) . I have some guest pages built with Laravel / Livewire and the problem happens when including @livewireScripts within the guest layout. This is using the default laravel sail setup (locally) After reading your comments about making sure spa settings weren't activated, I ran back over my code. That actual issue here was using wire:navigate on my links from my guest pages. Removing that and allowing the pages to load naturally fixed my display issues.
thedangler2mo ago
ill give that a try.