Filament3mo ago

Relating form tabs to specific model instances

Hey all, I've got a model to store integrations with other services. I'd like to use form tabs for each integration type that is available. Is there a way to essentially make each tab it's own form that is directly related to a model instance? I'm sure I could build this by modifying the data before creating an integration but I am curious if there is a built in way to do something like this.
2 Replies
NolanN3mo ago
I've got this close to working but I feel like there must be a better approach. I could just use a select instead of tabs but it isn't the UX I'd like to have. I'm curious what other ideas are out there
awcodes3mo ago
You could always create a custom page then just use the tabs blade views to render different forms in each tab. The form builder supports multiple forms on the same livewire component.