Hold_Tap Configuration

Can anyone explain to me what tapping-term-ms, quick-tap-ms, require-prior-idle-ms, and the other options are? I'm having trouble with a hold tab for homerow mod for shift and want to see what I have to change to make it see the hold quicker. Right now if I'm typing too quickly the shift doesn't register. Right now I'm at 175, 175, 150 flavor balanced, hold trigger on release. Thanks!
4 Replies
TyperAI11mo ago
I'd be happy to help you with that! The options you're referring to are part of the Hold_Tap configuration in ZMK. Here's a breakdown of what each option does: * tapping-term-ms: This sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) for a tap to be registered. If you release the key within this time, it will be considered a tap. If you hold the key longer than this time, it will be considered a hold. * quick-tap-ms: This sets the minimum time (in milliseconds) for a tap to be registered as a quick tap. If you release the key within this time, it will be considered a quick tap. Quick taps are used to trigger the tap action immediately, without waiting for the tapping-term-ms timeout. * require-prior-idle-ms: This sets the minimum time (in milliseconds) that the key must be idle (not pressed) before a new tap or hold can be registered. This helps prevent accidental triggers when typing quickly. In your case, you're experiencing issues with the shift key not registering when typing quickly. To make the hold trigger more sensitive, you could try reducing the tapping-term-ms value. This will allow the hold action to trigger more quickly. For example, you could try setting tapping-term-ms to 100 or 125 and see if that improves the behavior. You may also want to adjust the quick-tap-ms value to ensure that quick taps are still registered correctly. Keep in mind that reducing the tapping-term-ms value too much can lead to accidental hold triggers, so you may need to find a balance that works for your typing style. Additionally, you may want to consider adjusting the hold-trigger behavior. Since you're using hold-trigger on release, the hold action is triggered when you release the key. If you're finding that the shift key is not registering when typing quickly, you
Nicell11mo ago
this has some nice graphics I don't know how accurate the bot is but this page will be better
RickrollerOP11mo ago
I did see that info on the site. Maybe I'm lifting before hitting the other key. I'm getting so quick with this corne I'm going hyperspeed LOL Maybe if I switch it to Hold Preferred it would work a little better.

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