Filament11mo ago

Can I disable the loading indicator for actions that open a modal?

To me loading indicators only make sense for actions that take longer than usual. The modals open right away. Still the indicator shows for a moment.
3 Replies
Tetracyclic11mo ago
In the Filament config, there is a setting for livewire_loading_delay, which is 200ms by default. The spinner should only appear if the network request takes longer than 200ms. You can change this using the settings shown here: https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/loading-states#delaying-loading For example, 'livewire_loading_delay' => 'long', would make it so it only shows if the network request has been waiting for more than 300ms.
mpietOP11mo ago
Thanks! I wonder why modals take this long to open. Could it be because of data like select options in forms?
Tetracyclic11mo ago
Yeah, it's going to depend on what's being loaded, but longer than 200ms is quite long.

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