Filament2mo ago

I want to show an image URL on my FileUpload form when editing the content of the form in filamentph

I am trying to accomplish something like this: // From Database $image = [ 'name' => 'my name', 'image_url' => 'https://image.com/img-2345.png', 'image_path' => 'image-23545-4543.png', ]; This is not working // From mutateFormDataBeforeFill $data['url'] = $image['image_url']; // From filament form FileUpload::make('url') ->image(); This is working // From mutateFormDataBeforeFill $data['path'] = $image['image_path']; // From filament form FileUpload::make('path') ->image(); from my filament i want to show the image_url not the path so i can view the image, I dont want to use the spatie media library for now. it working perfectly on the table but not on the form.
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