Auth.js (next-auth) with Drizzle Provider Typescript

Hello so in the guide for the drizzle provider for Auth.js (next-auth) it says we can override the tables for example if i want to give me my users table a password and role field but then i run into a typescript error since the tables are typed in a specific way inside the adapter itself
adapter: {
* Argument of type '{ usersTable: SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "user"; schema: undefined; columns: { id: SQLiteColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "user"; dataType: "string"; columnType: "SQLiteText"; data: string; driverParam: string; notNull: true; hasDefault: true; enumValues: [...]; baseColumn: never; }, object>; ... 5 more ...; role...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DefaultSQLiteSchema'.
Type '{ usersTable: SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "user"; schema: undefined; columns: { id: SQLiteColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "user"; dataType: "string"; columnType: "SQLiteText"; data: string; driverParam: string; notNull: true; hasDefault: true; enumValues: [...]; baseColumn: never; }, object>; ... 5 more ...; role...' is missing the following properties from type 'DefaultSQLiteSchema': accountsTable, sessionsTable, verificationTokensTablets(2345)
...DrizzleAdapter(db, { usersTable: users }),
adapter: {
* Argument of type '{ usersTable: SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "user"; schema: undefined; columns: { id: SQLiteColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "user"; dataType: "string"; columnType: "SQLiteText"; data: string; driverParam: string; notNull: true; hasDefault: true; enumValues: [...]; baseColumn: never; }, object>; ... 5 more ...; role...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DefaultSQLiteSchema'.
Type '{ usersTable: SQLiteTableWithColumns<{ name: "user"; schema: undefined; columns: { id: SQLiteColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "user"; dataType: "string"; columnType: "SQLiteText"; data: string; driverParam: string; notNull: true; hasDefault: true; enumValues: [...]; baseColumn: never; }, object>; ... 5 more ...; role...' is missing the following properties from type 'DefaultSQLiteSchema': accountsTable, sessionsTable, verificationTokensTablets(2345)
...DrizzleAdapter(db, { usersTable: users }),
3 Replies
KHRMOP11mo ago
currently I am overriding the specific functions of the adapter as needed (although i should probably override all of them to keep it consistent)
adapter: {
...DrizzleAdapter(db, ),
/** here users points to my users table not the one from inside the adapter **/
async createUser(data: AdapterUser) {
const hasDefaultId = getTableColumns(users)["id"]["hasDefault"];

return db
.values(hasDefaultId ? data : {, id: crypto.randomUUID() })
async getUserByAccount(
account: Pick<AdapterAccount, "provider" | "providerAccountId">,
) {
const result = await db
account: accounts,
user: users,
.innerJoin(users, eq(accounts.userId,
eq(accounts.provider, account.provider),
eq(accounts.providerAccountId, account.providerAccountId),

return result?.user ?? null;
adapter: {
...DrizzleAdapter(db, ),
/** here users points to my users table not the one from inside the adapter **/
async createUser(data: AdapterUser) {
const hasDefaultId = getTableColumns(users)["id"]["hasDefault"];

return db
.values(hasDefaultId ? data : {, id: crypto.randomUUID() })
async getUserByAccount(
account: Pick<AdapterAccount, "provider" | "providerAccountId">,
) {
const result = await db
account: accounts,
user: users,
.innerJoin(users, eq(accounts.userId,
eq(accounts.provider, account.provider),
eq(accounts.providerAccountId, account.providerAccountId),

return result?.user ?? null;
Sillvva11mo ago
Currently you have to define all 4 tables. There is a PR so that you only need to define the user and account tables, but it hasn't been merged/released yet. There is a discussion about it on the Auth.js server. Here is the thread:
KHRMOP11mo ago
Ahh that's not too bad at least for my case I'm just setting it to themselves basically, at least it's more consistent then me overriding the functions

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