Help with accessing a record in Filament relation manager

Hey Guys, A quick question can someone tell me how to i access the current record in a table that is displayed in the relation managers. Can't seem to find it and i need to perform a authorization check on a custom action
8 Replies
Jean Roumeau
Jean Roumeau8mo ago
Did you try with
TopairyOP8mo ago
yes but then i get my master record in my case the changelist but what i need is the issue record that is attached through the hasMany
Jean Roumeau
Jean Roumeau8mo ago
->hidden(fn ($record) => !Filament::auth()->user()->can('doSomething', $record)),
->hidden(fn ($record) => !Filament::auth()->user()->can('doSomething', $record)),
Something like this?
TopairyOP8mo ago
let me try Im wondering how the handling should be in the action logic because i hide it here. But can the user still be perform the action logic?
Jean Roumeau
Jean Roumeau8mo ago
I think Filament completely removes the action logic when hidden. See here
TopairyOP8mo ago
same for the ->visible() right
Jean Roumeau
Jean Roumeau8mo ago
visible() is just the inverse method. But is registered on its own property within the component.
TopairyOP8mo ago
ill think i go for the visible option then but anyway THANKS!

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