Working fine in local environment but fail on server
I got all working well accept RelationManager . It just does not work and return this error.
I tried different ways changing class name, run php artisan optimize:clear etc, nothing help.
It works on local environment but return error on server. File and database updated to the same correctly.
Other parts are working fine just this simple Relation Manager does not work. #RelationManager
7 Replies
Your error page design looks like it's coming from older Laravel version. So maybe you have older Laravel/PHP version on the server?
Another guess: maybe your local server is Windows and remote is Linux and there is some difference in filenames upper/lowercase?
Hi, Thank you for suggestion. It is Laravel Version 10. Uploading to system via git. The servers are both Linux Ubuntu 22 . The only different is the local environment refer to root domain: dev.localhost/ but the server refer to sub directory . I had fixed issues with Livewire for all other cases. But this case is very strange. It happen to RelationManger. However, only particular to WaterReceiptsRelationManager I tried to change its filename, clasess names, still doesn't help. Tried to rebuild composer dump-autoload still does not help. Even I create new RelationManager class with fresh default config, it still does not work. I hope there is any hack way for this.
Yeah, no idea then, can't help without deeper debugging
clear the cache
resources are cached
might be this problem
Double check the file is added to git and is pulled on server