Image not showing on Edit Page

I created 3 slider seeder for my defaults, on edit page the image is not populated with whats on my seeder.
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7 Replies
krekas3mo ago
99% of the time it's from app url in the env
NothingToSay3mo ago
It's fine since image on my front end is not broken, I also checked app url just in case and it looks good.
krekas3mo ago
what errors do you get? check network tab. i think you will have 404
NothingToSay3mo ago
No errors, it's populating just fine. the only problem is when i edit my defaults the image is empty.
NothingToSay3mo ago
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch3mo ago
storage shouldn’t be part of the saved url. Also this might be an array? Upload an image yourself and see how it should look.
HeyWeb3mo ago
php artisan storage:link