New enum values must be committed before they can be used

I have some INSERT statements in a couple of my migrations that use an enum that I have created in preceding migrations. When I go to run all of my migrations when creating a new instance of my db I receive the following message: error: unsafe use of new value "MY_ENUM" of enum type followed by the hint of New enum values must be committed before they can be used. What I did to resolve is add COMMIT; immediately after I add the enum in my preceding migrations. Is that a good practice? Should this be something drizzle-kit adds when adding or altering enums?
2 Replies
Luis Serota
Luis Serota•5mo ago
I just ran into the same issue! very odd, but used the same fix to get through it. feels a bit flaky though
Amur•5mo ago
Had to the same just now. is this something that's on the radar? 👀 @Andrew Sherman

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