Problem with generating migrations

Hi, i have made a question on stackoverflow: Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks!
Stack Overflow
Generate drizzle migrations in NodeNext project
I want to use Drizzle ORM in my api. The api is a workspace in a monorepo build with Turborepo. I want to generate migrations with drizzle-kit, with the following command drizzle-kit generate:pg. I...
4 Replies
stumpykilo10mo ago
Does your config look like Example 3 from this page? If so you may want to consider adding an index.ts in your schema folder that exports all of your schemas. After that you should be able import like this: import { users, } from "@/drizzle/schema";
Drizzle ORM - Configuration
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
SennaOP10mo ago
First, thanks for your answer! Yes I am using a structure like example 3. But this won't fix the problem. Everything works fine if I put all my model definitions in one schema. But this is makes my models less readable in a big application. So i want to split them up like on the screenshot. In my drizzle.config.ts I set the schema option to all files in the data folder: schema: './src/data/*'. But there when i try to generate a migration, the drizzle-kit cli finds the user.js import and can't map it to the ts file.
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stumpykilo10mo ago
I have multiple schema files as well and my imports from other schema files look like this: import { user } from "./user"; Are you exporting all of your schema files with an index.ts like this? export * from "./user";
SennaOP10mo ago
Yes but that doen't make sense. As you can see, my imports are with the .js extension. Because in my tsconfig I set the properties module and moduleResolution to NodeNext. Since I want to build my project to JavaScript with tsc.

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