Nuxt11mo ago

useASyncData & watch issue

Hello friends, I've been having a hard time using watch. I've finally found a suitable ref for watch, but the refresh is too late. My store update but what is displayed is one step behind. If i change the lang from fr to en, it'll show fr, and from en to es, it'll show es. What am I missing ? If I use a plugin with
and manually call refresh, it works as I would like it to. Thanks for your time !
import { JobActionsLocal } from "./proto/job_action";
const key = 'job_action'

export const useJobActionStore = defineStore(key, () => {
function mapper(data: JobAction[]) {
return new Map(
data.map((raw) => {
return [raw.uid, raw]

const { locale } = useI18n()

const {data: actions, pending, error, refresh: clear_cache} = useAsyncData(
() => ifetch(key, `jobs/actions`, JobActionsLocal, mapper),
server: false,
lazy: true,
watch: [locale],
deep: false

return {actions}

if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useJobStore, import.meta.hot))
import { JobActionsLocal } from "./proto/job_action";
const key = 'job_action'

export const useJobActionStore = defineStore(key, () => {
function mapper(data: JobAction[]) {
return new Map(
data.map((raw) => {
return [raw.uid, raw]

const { locale } = useI18n()

const {data: actions, pending, error, refresh: clear_cache} = useAsyncData(
() => ifetch(key, `jobs/actions`, JobActionsLocal, mapper),
server: false,
lazy: true,
watch: [locale],
deep: false

return {actions}

if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useJobStore, import.meta.hot))
1 Reply
<Mike/>11mo ago
Is this issue resolved?

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