Ui Nuxt UCarousel passing in a value to start it on
I have currently set up a UCarousel but I would like the functionally of providing an index, or a value to start in the carousel.
If i was to put this in a carouselRef.value.select(props.modelIndex); setInterval but i only want it to fire first. nextTick didn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated
the props passed is
const images = [
{ image: "image-1.jpeg", alt: "this name 1" },
{ image: "image-2.jpeg", alt: "this name 2" },
{ image: "image-3.jpeg", alt: "this name 3" },
and the index of where this in the array.
2 Replies
I've build a stackblitz - https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-bzph5p?file=pages%2Findex.vue
testing-open - StackBlitz
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