How could I style this?
I'm aware its quite a cheap brand (kmart/target/big w, I believe its target though) I got it awhile back and sjnce I'm wanting to build out my wardrobe, is there any way I could style this? Last time I wore it, I just wore some Black jeans and some shoes.
Is that the only real thing I could style it with or is there more I could do? Is that not even a good way of having it an outfit?
What sort of shoes would I have with it? I'm looking for some more casual walking shoes while I build out my wardrobe as I only have some black underarmor sneakers that I got from my brother haha
I'm very new infact I've just started building a plan to get my own style and wardrobe

7 Replies
I did read somewhere here that having a design on the front isn't the best for beginners
this is a very neutral piece which could go with many things. How is the fit? A picture could be nice
dont worry about the design
Haven't worn it in a while so I have no idea if it actually fits or not but gimme one sec

Took longer than than I wanted it too but my left arm is a little bunched up and can look like the right one (my left)
Looks good! I think it’d be fine with blue or black jeans and sneakers of almost any variety
thanks! I'll definitely start wearing it. thanks for the suggestions