Php Artisan Filament:Upgrade showing HTML 404
Hello everyone!
hey guys, I'm trying to find the solution to this but I can't, why would
go straight to 404? Just a note, site was working fine for quite awhile then I just suddenly saw 404
Thank you for any insight
50 Replies
Is this in production or local?
Try a
php artisan optimize:clear
just in case your routes are cached.
But to my knowledge nothing changed with the routing so it’s weird you’re getting a 404.yeah, and this was working and had about 60 MAU and I haven't checked in a week or so
and I only checked because someone messaged me saying a 404
so I hadn't like you know, pulled or updated or anything
dunno if this helps
Sorry I don’t understand your screenshot, is running that command putting that html code? That doesn’t make any sense at all if that is the case.
yes, running php artisan filament:upgrade only returns that HTML code
very weird!
I checked nginx, everything is configured as normal
Ok something is definitely screwed up on your server.
A console command should not be outputting an html string.
And filament:upgrade doesn’t have anything in it that would be returning an html sting like that.
Only thing I can think of is to delete the vendor folder and try a fresh
composer install
ok will try that now
deleted vendor folder and ran composer install and it got here:
then the 404 again
Can you share the scripts part of your composer.json?
Hmm. That all looks ok.
Yeah, it's really confusing!
I have never seen this before.
haha wow if you have never seen it, it must be rare 😄
And I’m not seeing anything in the latest release that would break the upgrade command.
I haven't worked on this in about 8 months so it's that version from then that I guess was working
What version of filament does the server show.
php artisan about
THat gives the same 404 error in HTML too
Hmm. So this sounds higher up than filament. When you deleted the vendor folder did you also delete the composer.lock?
no I didn't delete the composer.lock
should I try that?
It’s definitely something on your server and not related to filament as best as I can tell.
php -v ?
It seems that way
And what version of laravel is the app on?
Did you upgrade to laravel 11 ?
Laravel 10.10
Do you have version control?
git status?
Feels like your public/index.php is tempered
And the Wordpress wp-* files are intentionally?
no I didn't even notice them
they should not be there
Right, you might be hacked 😬
Check your .htaccess
Might be routing you to somewhere
looks normal I think
I hate to say it, but just feels like something on your server has been compromised.
Like I said I have never in my years of working with laravel or php seen composer output html code in the terminal.
yeah neither have I. I'm looking up this php error now and it is "Primary Script Unknown"
Trying to resolve that then perhaps things will fall into place
thanks so much for trying to help, I"ll see what I can do
Keep me informed. I am generally curious about it.
Will do 🙂
Would happily debug more if I could, but no way without being able to stack trace and debug myself.
Thanks a lot. I really love filament so hoping I can fix this up and get back to smooth sailing 🙂
Yea. Wish I had more insight and could give you more answers, but it just doesn’t sound like a filament issue.
From my investigations now, it def seems like it isn't