Steam updates reinstalls
Anyone getting a issue with sometimes it'll tell you there's a new updste and it's the same update you did??
6 Replies
Ah, looks like you beat me to it - I just posted a thread about this (there's some possibly useful console output there for debugging, might be interesting to see if you're seeing the same messages on your end)
the changelog in gamemode is wrong as we cannot change it, the update will be a new image build
Thanks guys, btw is any one having a issue with sleep?? Desktop works fine for sleep but it in game mode it just turns off.
need more details, some handhelds have issues with sleep atm
Gpd win 4 6800u 32gb ram model. Before it was fine zero issues with sleep and such.
Sorry took awhile to reply I was back working.
yeah then it is most likely affected by the same regression as the other handhelds that now have sleep issues. unsure if we tracked down the issue yet