Filament10mo ago

Update value

When I update the registration field it does not update the owner field, it returns a blank value Forms\Components\Select::make('vehiculos_id')->required()->label('Matricula') ->searchable() ->relationship('vehiculos','matricula') ->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set) { $set('partes.vehiculos_id', null); })
->preload()->live(), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('partes.vehiculos_id')->label('Propietario') ->formatStateUsing(function ($state, Parte $partes) { if (!empty($partes->vehiculos->clientes)) { return $partes->vehiculos->clientes->apellidos . ', ' . $partes->vehiculos->clientes->nombre; } else { return null; } }) ->disabled()->live(),
8 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch10mo ago
I think formatStateUsing() only runs on initial load.
HeyWebOP10mo ago
Correct and seo works perfectly, what I don't give is implementing a get to collect the values ​​of the previous field when it is updated
Povilas K
Povilas K10mo ago
@HeyWeb I think you're doing something really in the wrong direction, cause you're having a text input for partes.vehiculos_id but trying to fill it with nombre of clientes, so it isn't actually the ID field? I would probably re-think your approach in general, but too little information to advise on that
HeyWebOP10mo ago
From the license plate I look for which vehicle it belongs to and by the vehicle_id I look in the table to which client it belongs to, it is a purely informative field Parts (license)->vehicle_id->customer_id The problem is that when updating the registration field, the customer field remains blank, because it does not collect the set that is sent to it or it was sent incorrectly.
HeyWebOP10mo ago
No description
Povilas K
Povilas K10mo ago
But you're setting it to null yourself:
->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set) {
$set('partes.vehiculos_id', null);
->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set) {
$set('partes.vehiculos_id', null);
Shouldn't it set the value exactly here, instead of null?
Povilas K
Povilas K10mo ago
Here's a code example of erpsaas open-source project:
->afterStateUpdated(static function (callable $set, $state) {
$currency_code = currency($state);
$set('currency.name', $currency_code->getName() ?? '');
->afterStateUpdated(static function (callable $set, $state) {
$currency_code = currency($state);
$set('currency.name', $currency_code->getName() ?? '');
erpsaas/app/Filament/Company/Resources/Banking/AccountResource.php ...
A Laravel and Filament-powered accounting platform, crafting a modern and automated solution for financial management. - andrewdwallo/erpsaas
HeyWebOP10mo ago

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