Tenant user pivot values
Hey, I have a fairly standard tenant setup and I have a users resource to show the tenant users. My "tenant" is a Company. So a company
Users and a users belongsToMany
Companies with the pivot table having a column role
Listing the users is working just fine, but the role is not showing (or none of the pivot values).
This is the relationship on the Users model:
I have the same thing on the Company model, just the reverse users()
I have a pivot class that is casting the role to a enum and the added_by_user_id
is a relationship to a user.
I understand that I have to convert the enum into a string, but if I add TextColumn::make("role")
to the table, I expected to get an error saying something like cannot convert enum to string, but I get this instead:
App\Models\User::role must return a relationship instance, but "null" was returned. Was the "return" keyword used?
Am I missing something essential here? I use pivot values many places like this, but this one was not working.
Let me know if you need more data
Thank you!0 Replies