Getting Undefined property: Illuminate\View\AnonymousComponent::$id

I was trying to get the id from my loop here but I'm getting this undefined property issue even thought fetching this id inside the x-data attribute actually works. I'm just receiving this issue when using the :href inside the x-filament::link. ``` @foreach ($components as $component) <div x-data="{ id: {{ $component->id }}, display_order: {{ $component->display_order }}, get myId() { return }, }" x-sortable-handle x-sortable-item="{{ $component->id }}" data-id="{{ $component->id }}" class="py-2 bg-gray-50 px-4 shadow-md items-center cursor-move flex"> <div class=""> @svg('heroicon-o-bars-3', 'w-4 h-4 inline') {{ $component->name }} </div> <div class=""> {{$component->id}} <x-filament::link :href="route('filament.admin.resources.components.edit', $component->id)" target="_blank"> Edit </x-filament::link> </div> </div> @endforeach
1 Reply
shervs336OP11mo ago
I found the solution to this problem. It's because I cannot use the name $component as variable.

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