From skipping chunks to "The sky has fallen"
at first it was only loading 1 LOD chunk, so I thought to myself "why not turn the mod off and on again"
The sky has fallen, it is near.
Please help it's a cool mod
Singleplayer world, how do i pull up the DH logs?, how do i generate a mod list?
This is the 1.20.4 nightly build.

14 Replies
I think i found the log, is this it or does it create its own custom log
and it also lists mods on startup
For smearing, try going to the dh graphics and then setting transparency to fake or complete
ok im back
gonna try
@El Dorado i tried but smearing is still the same
Frick :(

should restart then
@El Dorado maybe i should try downgrading or clearing the cache
Idk wat that means
Plus am on toil
Those LOD chunks gotta go somewhere right?
i just updated and maybe that
that's why
Stored lods
y know how?
ima try downgrading
@El Dorado Solved, simply downgrade
