Nuxt3mo ago

Nested composables with custom useAsyncData wrapper

Hi, my problem is demonstrated on StackBlitz https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-heohzu?file=pages%2Findex.vue It is tied with: 1) Repository pattern 2) Custom useAsyncData wrapper 3) SSR/Hydration errors and maybe it could be interesting for @manniL / TheAlexLichter because he(you) created some tutorials on how to use these patterns. Dont mind the result, just watch the code
3 Replies
JV3mo ago
defineNuxtComponent for index.vue did the trick, but I dont know if I can use defineNuxtComponent alongside with composition api?
manniL3mo ago
you should prefer script setup 🙂
JV3mo ago
Yeah I know its the preferred way, but our project is really big, so we have to go step by step. Is it ok for now to use defineNuxtComponent, or it will break something?