Steam constantly "updating" itself

Ever since the 3.0 update, or at least shortly after it, Steam seems to always believe there is a Steam client update to install. In game mode, it shows the "update available" icon even when there is no Bazzite update to install; if I click to install the update, it "installs" instantly and triggers a Steam client restart. Similarly, every time I switch to desktop mode, Steam pops up with an "installing update" window which also "finishes" almost instantly. Based on this behavior, I have to guess that there is no actual update to install and that Steam is bugged in thinking that there is. This is not a huge issue as I can just safely ignore it and Steam still runs fine, but I figured you all might want to know about it anyway!
Interesting - when I ran steam from the terminal, the update window came up as usual but this time it functioned normally, actually taking a few seconds to download and apply an update, progress bar and all. Then when I switched back to gaming mode I confirmed that the "update available" indicator no longer appears and manually checking for an update reports that I am up to date. So it seems like the problem is resolved - not sure why running from the terminal made any difference, but evidentl...
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20 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo5mo ago
Try updating from desktop, tell me what it does
gradientdissent5mo ago
── 18:33:38 - System update ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Pulling manifest: ostree-image-signed:docker://
No upgrade available.
── 18:33:38 - System update ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Pulling manifest: ostree-image-signed:docker://
No upgrade available.
All the other topgrade steps, like distrobox and flatpak upgrades, run normally of course (per rpm-ostree, I'm already running 40.20240427.0, which I believe is the latest)
wolfyreload5mo ago
What happens if you open steam from the desktop? Does it update normally or do you have the same issue where it re-downloads the update each time.
gradientdissent5mo ago
Yeah it's the same thing - when steam starts in desktop mode the "Installing steam update" window pops up for a few seconds, then "finishes" pretty much instantly (the progress bar never actually moves) and steam proceeds to run normally But the "update available" message never goes away
wolfyreload5mo ago
try and launch steam from the terminal. You might be able to see some form of underlying error potentially in the terminal console output
gradientdissent5mo ago
Interesting - when I ran steam from the terminal, the update window came up as usual but this time it functioned normally, actually taking a few seconds to download and apply an update, progress bar and all. Then when I switched back to gaming mode I confirmed that the "update available" indicator no longer appears and manually checking for an update reports that I am up to date. So it seems like the problem is resolved - not sure why running from the terminal made any difference, but evidently it did. Thanks!
IshtarIsBae5mo ago
This is happening again Even with update from terminal
wolfyreload5mo ago
That is very weird, was hoping for an error message to see what is up rather than it just working
Phil5mo ago
I'm experiencing the same thing
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo5mo ago
please update from the desktop with rpm-ostree update and paste the results here
Phil5mo ago
Will be an hour or so but will paste as soon as I can, thanks, also, not sure if related but in desktop mode, the steam keyboard won't display, started around the same time after update to 3.*
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo5mo ago
Steam keyboard is 100% powered by the steam client, if it's broken for you it's not our doing keyboard works fine for me on 3.0
termdisc5mo ago
as an untested data point, I was on a weird update loop last night from game mode on my Deck. it resolved itself after ujust update in desktop mode
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo5mo ago
No description
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo5mo ago
I suspect this will fix most cases here with a few outliers that have layered packages
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