mfad9mo ago

summer tuxedo buying used questions

I’m looking to get a tuxedo for a wedding this summer. I’m toying around with the idea of getting one of Poshmark. How do the pants work I’m confused. Should I just do jacket and wear nice black pants on bottom? Any advice for a cheap lad like me? Any brands I should look into? Is Hugo Boss sizes wacky? 42 R jacket 34x32 pants Im 6’ 190lbs (182.88 cm 86.18 KG)
7 Replies
awburkey9mo ago
tuxedo pants are specific and generally should match the jacket fabric with the line down the side matching the lapels so it needs to be bought as a set. There are ways to break it up but a traditional tux is going to be this way
ZEB+OP9mo ago
Any advice on sizing? A lot use a ruler on the top of the pants is this double my hip size?
ZEB+OP9mo ago
No description
awburkey9mo ago
That will depend on the rise of the pants specifically. Trousers can be tailored fairly easily though so getting into the ballpark should be good enough. Measure your body or pairs of trousers that fit you well so you have an idea
ZEB+OP9mo ago
Good idea I didn’t think of that
awburkey9mo ago
Proper Cloth has some measurement guides like this one that are useful https://propercloth.com/reference/dress-shirt-body-measurements/
Proper Cloth Help
How to Measure Your Body for Dress Shirts
Get the right fit with our guide on how to measure yourself for a dress shirt. Create a custom size for a perfectly tailored look.
I Play Nidalee
I Play Nidalee9mo ago
best bet I've found is to get a set from j crew secondhand. Each piece has a unique model number, so you should be able to locate a matching pair. Might take some patience if you have a few months before the wedding. you have a drop-8, which isn't too atypical, so you may be able to find someone selling the matching set

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