mfad•11mo ago

I am in need of a new wardrobe and like this kind of style. Looking for recommendations/suggestions!

Hello! I am basically in need of an entirely new wardrobe except for winter stuff (jackets, sweaters, hoodies etc...). I just have no idea where to even begin. These are some of the clothing styles I like and I guess I would consider myself being into like skater/alternative rock/nice casual streetwear I'm not really sure. I don't like to be too loud with my clothing, but I do want to stop wearing terrible fitting pants and t-shirts with the same shoes. I am also not wanting anything tight or super baggy kind of loose I will say, I don't necessarily want to wear overalls example, I just like the vibe or feel of the look if that makes sense. Anyways, here are some images of things I like:
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36 Replies
tun🌻•11mo ago
The jeans in the first pic are probably Levi's 501 (or close enough). Super easy to find for cheap on eBay which will always be better value than levis retail For the overalls, if you want a similar vibe without actually wearing overalls some carhartt double knees would fit the bill I feel For textured thick flannels like the 2nd pic, maybe Wax London or Corridor? Depending on budget
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)•11mo ago
Just observing that most of these guys are wearing larger t shirts
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
So I guess one thing I should add, Is I really am starting from basically nothing and want to get kind of a basic wardrobe and expand from there. Start with stuff that kind of goes with everything I guess?
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)•11mo ago
not black shirt/shorts guy
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
Don't necesarily like the look of the shirt, just the vibe of the outfit. Casual, simple, but imo still somewhat sylish. I agree I think I need to move to baggier shirts based on my previous thread and conversation.
zeometer•11mo ago
if youre looking for a basic wardrobe of sorts this should help https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/how-the-basic-wardrobe-has-changed-de0
How the basic wardrobe has changed: a 2023 supplement to a 2016 MFA...
There are a lot of newcomers to MFA who don't know where to start, or, folks who used to read MFA back in 2013-2017 then get confused when the pieces that were touted as "timeless and classic" aren't seen as very fashionable today. The Building a Basic Wardrobe
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)•11mo ago
if you are looking to buy pieces, the three main elements which stick out to me here are jeans/chinos, a t shirt, and a looser overshirt. Figure out what you want with those items (and try to match their vibe too) and i think you will have a good platform to work with
zeometer•11mo ago
Put This On
The Springboard Wardrobe
When I started getting into fountain pens about eight years ago, I was overwhelmed by the number of options. The...
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
I will check that out thank you. I am just needing to buy basics and go from there because I really just don't have much. I guess a couple questions I have are, what kind of pants or fit would the bottom left image be? I really love the fit and look of that but am not sure what I would be looking for. In a previous thread I was hearing low rise, med rise, and high rise, I have no idea what fit of pant that kind of style would be and/or what I should go for? To be honest, I didn't know men really wore different rises of pants. Thought every guy pretty much wore right above the waist or sometimes below if baggy. Thought the low,med,high was more important for women's clothing.
tun🌻•11mo ago
Yeah, sort of minimal work wear is what I'm getting. A shacket / overshirt and or a chore coat would go a long way here. Painter pants, maybe something like the 'giant fit' J. Crew chinos. Some olive green fatigues like the 107s would go well as well!
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)•11mo ago
From these pictures, for pants I think you would look at "Regular Straight" style pants, for example the 501. You might find them loose compared to what you posted before, but as long as you dont size up they read pretty neutral
zeometer•11mo ago
he is seated which makes it a little harder to tell but it's probably a straight fit and mid-rise that he cuffed several times
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
I need to figure out my size honestly, because I did finally start to fill out from my original weight and now and am not sure what size I am.
zeometer•11mo ago
you can achieve the same effect with different pants - jeans, chinos, double knees
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
I definitely think straight fit is what I'm looking for, but would mid-size be considered a "mid rise" pant?
zeometer•11mo ago
that was a typo, it should be mid-rise
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
Ah ok, and mid rise would be sitting just like below my belly button as opposed to how I'm currently trying on and wearing pants/jeans right above my waist?
zeometer•11mo ago
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
Ok, well that makes sense as I've been trying on pants and jeans and been having a hard time even knowing what size I am or where to wear them at.
zeometer•11mo ago
mind you, what that guy is wearing could look different on you because you're two different people size number matters less than the actual garment measurements and how you feel in them i would focus on one thing to start - probably jeans - and find a pair that fits that you really like. i like levis because they are usually true to size and found everywhere so you can try on all the different fits and sizes.
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
That makes sense, I will start with jeans and give levy's a try then. Do you have any suggestions for where the jeans should sit, and how to know if they are the right size/length? Other than of course the basic (aren't falling down, too tight, uncomfortable, or look horrible).
tun🌻•11mo ago
Here's some people's recent WAYWT's from here where you can see where people are wearing their jeans / chinos / fatigues :) Tbh it's mostly and mainly about comfort. These examples are mostly mid to high rise though which works well especially with the tucked looks (and is on trend right now!)
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tun🌻•11mo ago
(easiest way to estimate the rise when you are shopping is look at how long the zipper placket is compared to the ones you are used to)
kyn•11mo ago
I emphatically recommend following waywt and highlights, saving pics to an inspo folder, and just asking people what they’re wearing if you like it This is the resource you should start with tho And as I mentioned in the previous thread #fashion-guides has a LOT of other resources you’ll want to leverage, especially regarding shopping secondhand and the best X for Y$ threads even if they’re dated #topic-of-the-day has a lot of stuff as well
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)•11mo ago
My two bits of advice are, look at examples here to refine what you like and how you see fits and go to some store and just try on different things to get a sense for how it works.
kyn•11mo ago
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lyon•11mo ago
i threw a dickies lined duck canvas jacket into my wardrobe last year and it was my bread and butter all winter. i wore that instead of a parka all season you might get similar mileage out of one
kyn•11mo ago
Same advice as the last thread, learn and go by your measurements
kyn•11mo ago
Proper Cloth Help
How to Measure Dress Trousers and Casual Pants
Get the right measurements for dress trousers and pants with our comprehensive guide. Perfect your fit and achieve a polished look.
kyn•11mo ago
How to Measure a T-Shirt?
Before we start with the measuring, lay down the T-Shirt on a flat hard surface and smooth out any wrinkles you might see. Once that is…
kyn•11mo ago
2) sleeve length 3) shoulder 4) Chest is often seen as ptp (pit to pit) 7) length If a shirt is listed as 22x27 it’s probably 22” wide at the chest and 27” long
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
I appreciate the suggestions, I am going to go try on some levi's and see where I'm at with those after reading the guide linked above! I will keep that in mind and measure my shirts and use that in looking for other shirts.
jfarrell468•11mo ago
I just want to say THANK YOU for posting pics of the kind of look you are going for.
DrmantisOP•11mo ago
No problem haha!
mmmllrrr•11mo ago
Re: olive green fatigues. Is this just crew 107s or a different brand?
tun🌻•11mo ago
Yeah I imagine most are just US army surplus og-107s, but repro ones like OrSlow are fairly common on here too

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