mfad11mo ago

I wanna look my absolute best.

Hey, I'm really bad at fashion, and I just realized a few days ago that I'll be going to Germany in June for a study exchange program. The thing is, I'm terrible at fashion and I want to look my best since this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Can someone suggest what I should wear to look good? I've never tried layering or kept up with new trends, usually just wearing what my parents bought me. The flight is on 2nd June, so I don't have time to research and shop. I need to know what to buy and how to style myself for the 15 days I'll be there. Side note - the temperature in Germany in June will be around 25 degrees. I'm a 16-year-old male. Regarding pants - I have 2 chinos (beige and black) and dark blue jeans. For t-shirts and shirts, honestly, most of them are printed and outdated. Some shirts have a checkered design, but I really need to upgrade my wardrobe. If someone could point out a comprehensive list of what do i need exactly and how can i style myself, i would love you for my lifetime
66 Replies
SelenicOP11mo ago
Im also a student so ofc im on a budget, but ill do what i can! I'll be there for 15 days, if someone i can mismatch my outfit so i dont repeat them it'll be cool, but i don;t really care much abt it, i can wash and reuse the same stuff twice
awburkey11mo ago
Just wear what you normally wear and are comfortable with and have a good time. Unless there are specific events/dress codes that you feel out of your depth with. But there isn't any "best" way to dress. Let alone on a tight timeline and budget You can look thru #fashion-guides which has some stuff
SelenicOP11mo ago
I agree I would wear what i normally wear but I've been wearing stuff my parents buy for me(cuz I was least interested in clothes) and now my fashion sense sucks
kyn11mo ago
Respectfully, I think you are overthinking this If you want to use this trip as a jumping off point/excuse to start being interested in fashion and, more broadly, self-care, then great! The basic bastard guide in #fashion-guides is a great place to start and the threads linked in this q&a post have more summer specific input https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1234515888456208497 Beans is right though - you don’t have a lot of time or money. The best you can hope for with limited resources is being comfortable and feeling good in your skin, maybe picking up a piece or two that feels good for the direction you want to move towards.
awburkey11mo ago
Everyone starts somewhere! Like kyn said I think you're overthinking this. Fashion is fun but it ~never makes or breaks your interactions and first impressions beyond something like showing up naked. You won't be able to remake your wardrobe in such a short amount of time. It's the classic "pick 2: cheap, fast, good" tho in this case building a wardrobe is personal so "good" is a bit more of a nebulous term. I'd look thru the guides channel and the building a basic wardrobe post. I also like this article. https://www.putthison.com/the-springboard-wardrobe/
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awburkey11mo ago
We can help with more specific questions you might have, but I'd start by reading those articles
Shrimp11mo ago
@Selenic it would be good to know what you are striving for and outfit pics for what you dress like right now
SelenicOP11mo ago
Thank u, I was reading the guide about the t shirts and they recommended the Uniqlo 10$ white tee https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/products/E455359-000/00?colorDisplayCode=00&sizeDisplayCode=003 Would this also work? This is oversized tho... Idk i just saw some reviews on yt and it was really hyped, I've not tried it myself, Also can I use this as a base to layer other clothes on it, or do I need a normal (not an oversized) t shirt for layering? Idk if u can layer properly with an oversized tee If it's recommended should I just go with the normal one then? I don't have a preference, I just saw this was pretty hyped soooo yeahh
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Shrimp11mo ago
also congrats on getting into that program! I did a study away for a year in Italy when I was 16. Had some of the most fun I've ever had (and dressed pretty poorly the whole time haha)
SelenicOP11mo ago
Honestly rn, I just wear anything Like jeans and a tshirt (could be printed or plain) Chinos (black, beige) with plain t shirts or a shirt
Shrimp11mo ago
not sure if you speak German yet, but a full immersion can be great to learn a language! I still speak Italian many years later
SelenicOP11mo ago
Takes a year to complete 😭? I'm learning German
Shrimp11mo ago
Mine was a full year of high school
SelenicOP11mo ago
Great mines just 15 days
Shrimp11mo ago
Ahh. Well none the less, immerse yourself! you are going to love it
SelenicOP11mo ago
Thenks! Thanks*!
Shrimp11mo ago
I mean thats a great start
awburkey11mo ago
lots of folks like the oversized uniqlo u tees. there's also the plain ones that have a more regular fit. I haven't tried the uniqlo u ones but I like my regular ones well enough
Shrimp11mo ago
the uniqlo u ones are even better in my experience! @Selenic are you looking to keep the basics look? jeans, plain tees, sneakers, chinos, etc?
awburkey11mo ago
I'm a sucker for 100% cotton tee personally. But it's all taste! idt either are inherently "better"
SelenicOP11mo ago
I wanna try some layering
Shrimp11mo ago
if you want to layer in the summer, you're gonna want to go with some lighter materials
SelenicOP11mo ago
The link I sent?
Shrimp11mo ago
yeah, sorry I was replying to llbeansandrice yes those ones and the ones that don't have a pocket that are uniqlo u oversized
awburkey11mo ago
A silly YT short on why I think "better/best" aren't very useful terms in contexts like this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ntQXm0XJnn0
Internet Shaquille
I'm Banned From Using These Words
another #shorts monologue about why I don't feel comfortable calling myself a ~creator~ In my experience as a so-called "knowledge worker", my bosses have really liked it when I come back from a task and lay out the most cost-effective or most sustainable solution to a problem instead of just "the best" so I do think this word ban can help othe...
SelenicOP11mo ago
Can I layer with an oversized tee? Like does that work? Idk I've never tried and I don't just wanna buy an oversized one for it to not work
Shrimp11mo ago
i guess it depends on what you are wearing over it
carrion11mo ago
Do you have pics of the sort of layering u have in mind?
SelenicOP11mo ago
carrion11mo ago
do u mind sharing them lol
SelenicOP11mo ago
No description
SelenicOP11mo ago
Found this on their website Looks good Imo Idk tho
carrion11mo ago
U could very easily put a long sleeved tee underneath an oversized tee, but if you're wearing a slim/regular shirt over an oversized tee then you might have weird bunching
SelenicOP11mo ago
Yeah that's what I was thinking, that's why I asked So I should go with the normal ones, if I'm trying to do smth like this ?
carrion11mo ago
imo yes, but that's because the tee in that pic is being used as an undershirt - which is a lil bit different than what "layering" means in a broader sense
SelenicOP11mo ago
Oh Would it be possible for anyone to share maybe a pic where they're layering with an oversized tee and a normal tee ?
Shrimp11mo ago
in that case if you like the uniqlo airism material I'd recommend @ll.beansandrice 's rec of the regular fit ones sec
Shrimp11mo ago
No description
Shrimp11mo ago
here is someone from waywt that is layering with an oversized tee
Shrimp11mo ago
No description
Shrimp11mo ago
this is a little more oversized than the uniqlo U tees btw
SelenicOP11mo ago
Oh that's wayyy to oversized For my liking But yeah I get the idea
Shrimp11mo ago
No description
Shrimp11mo ago
here is me putting things over a normal sized tshirt
carrion11mo ago
shrimps are good examples because the layers feel much more intentional imo. like yeah it's still a tshirt under a buttoned shirt but the layers feel distinct and cohesive as a whole. imo that's the diff btwn "layering" and putting a shirt on top of a tee
Shrimp11mo ago
yeah mine are more like jackets
SelenicOP11mo ago
Alright so I think normal or just slightly oversized would be better I'll have to go try them tho, I was thinking of ordering online
Shrimp11mo ago
well I think the second question that is important is what are you trying to put on top of the tshirts? yeah I think if you're trying to layer them and not be crazy hot in the german summer
SelenicOP11mo ago
Either a jacket denim, lether jacket or a bit more than half buttoned shirt Ofc really really thin jackets tho It'll be around 20-25 degrees there I suppose
Shrimp11mo ago
are you going to southern germany or northern germany
SelenicOP11mo ago
So not extremely hot but not cold aswell
Shrimp11mo ago
makes a big difference
SelenicOP11mo ago
More like Dusseldorf
Shrimp11mo ago
ah kind of right in the center it won't be super cold yeah, but you'll probably want a jacket in the evening so a leather jacket or denim jacket would definitely work
SelenicOP11mo ago
West kinda yeah Yeah
Shrimp11mo ago
i mean by latitude 🙂 the north is pretty chilly some nights, even in the summer are there any questions you still have?
SelenicOP11mo ago
Yup, I'm going near a village near Münster to be exact So final conclusion, normal tees right 😭? And not the oversized ones
Shrimp11mo ago
do you live near a uniqlo?
SelenicOP11mo ago
Nope It's a little far
Shrimp11mo ago
how much time do you have before you go?
SelenicOP11mo ago
I'm going on 2nd June A month from now
Shrimp11mo ago
I mean you could order an oversized one first and see if it fits with your jackets and you can still wear it on hotter days without any layers on top
SelenicOP11mo ago
Okay, good idea, as long as they have refund I can try that Damn this thread has 100 messages? Thanks for the help guys
Shrimp11mo ago
any time man

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