Laravel 11 Filament 3 database notification help
Hello)) i want use database notification. I see filament notification and made id. but notifications not set in the db. Not error return but not working((
19 Replies
Yeah. I want example user create order. Admin see the notification on Admin panel)) sorry my english
First check whether the notification database is available
yes. notifications table exsist. My Laravel notification is working. But Filament Notification not send the notification in db
->title('Saved successfully')
try this format
Not working. Notification not created((
and the Panel?
I read the filament notofcation documentatin and made it. But not working
is the icon showing?
and are there any record in the notification Table
Notification not added the table((
i run this code
->body('Test body')
but not writen data on the table
are there any console issues?
wait, from where are you running the notification?
and can you dd($user)
Are the notifications queued and you aren't running the queue worker?
No. i not user queue
So your
file has QUEUE_DRIVER=sync
?i write restfull api. i want customer make order and i send notification admin panel
$user return correctly
Laravel standart notification working.
this code example working correctly
$user->notify(new RentOrderNotification());
but Filament Notification not working