Is R2 a suitable product for high-volume video on demand?
Hello, my team is wondering whether we should switch from S3 + CloudFront to CloudFlare for our (free) video on demand service. We currently have about 550GB of video's and 6TB of monthly traffic. Are we correct in thinking R2 is a suitable product? And is it also correct that there's no costs for bandwidth? Coming from the (very high) costs of Cloudfront, CloudFlare's offering seems almost too good to be true :).
EDIT: Note, our videos are in CMAF (HLS/DASH) format
7 Replies
Video is allowed (and is one of the suggested use cases), and bandwidth is free. You only pay for requests and for the storage
If you create a custom domain (also known as public bucket) you'll benefit from the cdn cache automatically
Thanks for the clear answer! So with requests you also mean whenever via the CDN a video would be viewed by an end-user, correct? And in case bandwidth usage becomes really high, like say, 1000TB, nothing changes in terms of pricing? It’s kind of amazing, considering 6TB usage with CloudFront easily costs way beyond $1,000
Switching to Cloudflare will be so much cheaper for you 😄
Bandwidth is not charged, only storage and requests

Requests is each file access thats not cached by the CDN (cache hits are free), for HLS/DASH a single video would usually be comprimised of many different files so watching the whole thing would invoke many different requests
And yes bandwidth is completely free
Allright! Thanks for the additional clarification @Erisa @Beny
Could someone add solved tag?