Breadcrumbs blade component arrows

How do i configure these arrows? In my layouts file: '@if (isset($breadcrumbs)) <x-filament::breadcrumbs :breadcrumbs="$breadcrumbs" class="m-6 pt-6 px-4" /> @endif' and then in my livewire component: public function render() { $breadcrumbs = [ '/' => ('portal.dashboard'), '/reports' => ('portal.reports'), '/reports/' . $this->report->id => __('portal.report_details'), ]; return view('')->layout('', [ 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs ]); }
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1 Reply
ritos123OP11mo ago
solved by adding dir="ltr" to my html tag in app.blade layout <html lang="{{ str_replace('', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}" dir="ltr">

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