Plugin dev

Hi, I am working locally on a plugin which has assets. So in the provider I have FilamentAsset::register([ Css::make('filament-nested-list-styles', __DIR__ . '/../resources/dist/filament-nested-list.css')->loadedOnRequest(), Js::make('filament-nested-list-scripts', __DIR__ . '/../resources/dist/filament-nested-list.js'), ], 'invaders-xx/filament-nested-list'); in packageBooted function. Those file exists on disk but when I do a
x-load-css="[@js(FilamentAsset::getStyleHref('filament-nested-list-styles', package: 'invaders-xx/filament-nested-list'))]"
x-load-css="[@js(FilamentAsset::getStyleHref('filament-nested-list-styles', package: 'invaders-xx/filament-nested-list'))]"
in the view, the system does not find the css file. Did I miss smth ? Thanks
you need to publish them with php artisan filament:assets
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3 Replies
awcodes3mo ago
you need to publish them with php artisan filament:assets
David Vincent
David Vincent3mo ago
Thanks Adam
awcodes3mo ago
it's not the most convient development flow, but it's the best we have for now. cheers.