Filament11mo ago

Laravel Echo failing on broadcast auth

Hey everyone, Running in to an issue with using laravel echo in a custom page through filament. The jist of it is that it's currently failing the /broadcast/auth call. I've added the following configuration to my BroadcastServiceProvider
Broadcast::routes(['middleware' => [InitializeTenancyByDomainOrSubdomain::class, Authenticate::class]]);
Broadcast::routes(['middleware' => [InitializeTenancyByDomainOrSubdomain::class, Authenticate::class]]);
The Authenticate::class is coming from Filament\Http\Middleware\Authenticate. This will result in a 302 redirect to login from the broadcasting auth endpoint. If I remove that entirely it will result in a 403 Forbidden. I've tried adding 'auth' to the middleware but this also results in 302 I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong here related to what authentication middleware I should be using but I'm not entirely sure Here is the code where I'm setting Echo:
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
cluster: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
forceTLS: true,
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
cluster: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
forceTLS: true,
It's connecting to Pusher properly, just failing the auth
Seems the fix is to set broadcasting route middelware to web instead of the guard
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4 Replies
MikeGOP11mo ago
Has anyone faced this issue before? Still an issue im facing
ModestasV11mo ago
Why you don't use Filament echo provider?
MikeGOP10mo ago
I need it outside of filament but i need it to hook in to the authentication part of filament
MikeG10mo ago
Seems the fix is to set broadcasting route middelware to web instead of the guard

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