Filament3mo ago

ImportAction on suffixAction

How can i add ImportAction on TextInput SuffixAction? If i add as i know it throws error: Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput::suffixAction(): Argument #1 ($action) must be of type Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action|Closure, Filament\Actions\ImportAction given Thanks!
2 Replies
N16htSh1ft3mo ago
Hello, suffixAction() method of a TextInput component in the Filament Forms package expects an argument of type Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action or a Closure, but you are trying to pass an ImportAction, which is not compatible. Try to define a custom action TextInput::make('whatever') ->suffixAction( Action::make('import') ->label(whatever import') ->action(function () { //whatever function }) Greetings N16htSh1ft
Xavi3mo ago
it works, but with this i cannot use prebuilt importaction