mfad11mo ago

Looking for advice on glass frames, haircuts, and beard trimming.

Currently 28m, Looking to change the way i look completely. It's been a few years, so my hairs grown out quite a bit, and my beard is unkept. A bit insecure about my nose being crooked, but not much i can do about that atm. Any and all advice to transform my looks and life around I will take. The first 2 pictures are most recent, while the last one is what i looked like a few years ago when i dropped 50-60 lbs, which im currently working on doing. TIA!
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8 Replies
awburkey11mo ago
As rej and others said in gc, you really want a direction you want to go in. You could completely change your look by shaving your head or something obviously but it really matters what you want to look like. Your nose is fine, I didn’t notice until you mentioned it. Easiest short-term stuff would be to explore the hair thread and maybe see if you want to do something with it either by cutting it or by using products/different care routine. Same with your beard. I would also try different frames but again it depends on what you want
maredactedOP11mo ago
Yeah there isnt anything particular that I want other than "looking better" which im sure can be suggested here and options given
awburkey11mo ago
There’s not really “better” though Like if you’re happy with how you look then you’re good king Without something more specific it’s up to you to do some of the work and figure out what you like to wear and look like Maybe check out this thread a little in addition to the guides in #fashion-guides https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1231635565665976341
maredactedOP11mo ago
im alright then, i've explained that I want to improve my looks and need a direction to go in, i can sit here and stare at these forums for weeks and never make a decision because nothing personally resonates me There are certain hairstyles that fit other facial shapes better to take away from the the features that aren't as appealing appreciate the advice here, will just move along and ask elsewhere, have a wonderful day.
Digs11mo ago
This is fair, but without a specific direction you want to go its gonna be hard for people to recommend things to you. For example i think in the third photo you provided, your beard and hair look very nice. But is that how you want them too look? Or do you wanna keep your long hair? You want to dress better, but how do you want to dress? What styles do you like, do you like techwear, streetwear, ivy, ect? Its going to require some personal exploration and discovery on your part to get a less nebulous idea of what you want
sorrynodice11mo ago
Your nose is totally fine, dude. It might be a camera angle/closeness issue, but your glasses look a little big to me. Might want to swing by a glasses shop and try on a few different styles.
Digs11mo ago
But as a starting place, i think your beard looks cleaner trimmed down a bit, i think if you want to keep your hair long, you should make an appt with a stylist and get a expert opinion on what a good direction to go would be. They will be able to add some layers or cut in such a way that is more stylish. For glasses frames i think the thicker ones suit you a bit better but there are a gazillion frame options, id find some you like and take pics, then seek opinions based off that
bchanx11mo ago
OP has already left the server, closing this post to prevent further good advice and intentions being wasted here

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