WAF - Custom Rules - Pricing?

Helo everyone, Sorry, just a noob here that couldn't find an answer online or in the docs. My questions is, if I set 5 WAF Custom Rrles, is there a charge for the traffic being blocked/processed for example? I know that there is a charge for the WAF - Rate limiting rules ($0.05 per 10k processed requess) but are the WAF - Cusom Rules free of charge no matter the amount of traffic being processed? Why am I asking? Because I know that a specific IP address is using a bot on my page and I want to apply a JS Challege for that IP and I know that thousands of requests will be blocked so I want to avoid being charged a lot before I realise it. Thank you!
3 Replies
irineos1995OP11mo ago
oh really? is there a documentation explaining this? thank you for the reply!
Erisa11mo ago
Announcement blog: https://blog.cloudflare.com/unmetered-ratelimiting This doc describes the old with a banner telling you to use new: https://developers.cloudflare.com/waf/reference/legacy/old-rate-limiting/ Pricing: https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/ Shows included without addon cost for all plans:
No description
Erisa11mo ago
No part of the Cloudflare WAF has pay-as-you-go pricing anymore, the only thing that costs is different plan levels which have different features or quotas allowed
I know that there is a charge for the WAF - Rate limiting rules ($0.05 per 10k processed requess)
Can I ask where you saw that being stated? It hasn't been the case since Sept 2022 so wondering if anywhere needs updating.

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