How to close action confirmation modal after form validate fails?

I have a custom livewire component that has a form with rules and submit action.
public function submitAction(): Action
return Action::make('submit')
->label('Add talent profile')
->action(function () {
public function submitAction(): Action
return Action::make('submit')
->label('Add talent profile')
->action(function () {
The problem is when there are validation errors, I cannot close this confirmation modal automatically.
I found a way to close the modal window - after the confirmation button is clicked. Here is my action ``` public function myAction(): Action {...
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6 Replies
kool12mo ago
I have a similar use case that I need to disable action upon validation
devpoolxxOP12mo ago
I am losing my head on finding solution for this one 😓
Anish11mo ago
Did you find a solution to this?
Anish11mo ago
I found a way to close the modal window - after the confirmation button is clicked. Here is my action
public function myAction(): Action
return Action::make('my-action')

'title' => $this->actionButtonLabel,
->action(function () {
public function myAction(): Action
return Action::make('my-action')

'title' => $this->actionButtonLabel,
->action(function () {
This seems to work for me, if it passes validation, goes through the action. If it fails validation, the modal window is closed and shows validation window. Probably, naming could have been better! I guess that I should call it confirmedAction or something similar. I can put it in a trait and use it any place.
devpoolxxOP11mo ago
@Anish Thank you so much! this worked on my end!
Anish11mo ago
Glad it worked

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