Effective way learn asp .net from scratch
hi, im beginer (i know some html,css,js n some framework to work with fronend) ,so i decide to jump into backend ,i feel interesed in csharp but when i opened the official docs on microsoft i pretty overwhelm about it tutorial n complex terminology i never heard before.
is there anyway to learn cs from scratch to build some webapps using ASP .net core? (webAPI, mvc....)
10 Replies
look for parts of the docs that are specifically labeled as tutorials like https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-web-api?view=aspnetcore-8.0&tabs=visual-studio
Tutorial: Create a web API with ASP.NET Core
Learn how to build a web API with ASP.NET Core.
If you don't know C#, though, start by learning that first
It won't be easy learning ASP without knowing what async is and why we need it, for example
i got some definiton async in js ,but i think it may some difference in csharp ish...
There is, Js is single-threaded while C# is multi-threaded, for example
So a
will always be executed on the same thread, while a Task
might not be
Also, let's not forget the biggest difference between JS and C#
C# is a typed language
JS is basically untyped
So you'd do well to learn about the type system, too:forg: i think i will get the idea of c# faster ,i had a background of c++ not actually just competitive programming using c++
if i fammiliar with c# syntax what i do next
I'd say create a new WebAPI project and google your way to completion
That's how I usually learn
Due to the long history of MSDN/Microsoft Learn transition, personally I think the current articles are either 1) simple tutorials that don't really guide you further enough, or 2) detailed references that cover the API surface. Neither is good for true beginners as they require a story line to touch each pieces in a suitable order. That's why books exist.