Create a "carousel" modal on ListRecords

Hi everyone ! I want to make a special thing to navigate through records on a table using a tweak of "ViewAction" (when you click on a row in the table $table->recordAction() I've made a copy of the ViewAction class to add Previous/Next button in extraFooterActions But I struggle on changing the content of the "data" on the modal form instance. Just below you'll find my actual class ! Thank's for your help 🙂
1 Reply
JibayMcsOP11mo ago
class CarouselAction extends Action
protected ?Closure $mutateRecordDataUsing = null;

protected Model | Closure | null $record;

public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
return 'carousel';

protected function setUp(): void



$this->modalHeading(fn(): string => __('filament-actions::view.single.modal.heading', ['label' => $this->getRecordTitle()]));







$this->fillForm(function (HasActions $livewire, Model $record): array {
if ($translatableContentDriver = $livewire->makeFilamentTranslatableContentDriver()) {
$data = $translatableContentDriver->getRecordAttributesToArray($record);
} else {
$data = $record->attributesToArray();

if ($this->mutateRecordDataUsing) {
$data = $this->evaluate($this->mutateRecordDataUsing, ['data' => $data]);

return $data;

// The rest of the code below ....
class CarouselAction extends Action
protected ?Closure $mutateRecordDataUsing = null;

protected Model | Closure | null $record;

public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
return 'carousel';

protected function setUp(): void



$this->modalHeading(fn(): string => __('filament-actions::view.single.modal.heading', ['label' => $this->getRecordTitle()]));







$this->fillForm(function (HasActions $livewire, Model $record): array {
if ($translatableContentDriver = $livewire->makeFilamentTranslatableContentDriver()) {
$data = $translatableContentDriver->getRecordAttributesToArray($record);
} else {
$data = $record->attributesToArray();

if ($this->mutateRecordDataUsing) {
$data = $this->evaluate($this->mutateRecordDataUsing, ['data' => $data]);

return $data;

// The rest of the code below ....
public function mutateRecordDataUsing(?Closure $callback): static
$this->mutateRecordDataUsing = $callback;

return $this;

function getNavigationActions(): array
return [
->action(function (?Model $record, Table $table) {
$parentAction = collect($table->getActions())->filter(fn($action) => $action instanceof CarouselAction)->first();
$records = $table->getRecords();
$index = array_search($record, $records->items());
$next = $records[$index + 1] ?? $records[0];

// Not triggered
$parentAction->mutateFormDataUsing(fn($data) => dd($data));

// Some tries
/* $parentAction->mutateFormDataUsing(fn() => $next->attributesToArray());
$parentAction->fillForm($next->attributesToArray()); */

public function mutateRecordDataUsing(?Closure $callback): static
$this->mutateRecordDataUsing = $callback;

return $this;

function getNavigationActions(): array
return [
->action(function (?Model $record, Table $table) {
$parentAction = collect($table->getActions())->filter(fn($action) => $action instanceof CarouselAction)->first();
$records = $table->getRecords();
$index = array_search($record, $records->items());
$next = $records[$index + 1] ?? $records[0];

// Not triggered
$parentAction->mutateFormDataUsing(fn($data) => dd($data));

// Some tries
/* $parentAction->mutateFormDataUsing(fn() => $next->attributesToArray());
$parentAction->fillForm($next->attributesToArray()); */


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